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Gemini is committed to orienting its market strategies towards a sustainable business model, combining economic and financial objectives with environmental and social aspects. The company is aware of how fundamental 'sustainable' growth is for social, economic, and environmental progress. These elements, in fact, make an indispensable contribution to improving the quality of life and collective well-being.
Gemini annually undergoes an independent sustainability assessment based on ESG criteria - Environmental, Social, Governance. 'EcoVadis' is an international platform that supports companies in their ESG assessments, with the aim of providing indications on their performance status in the environmental, social and governance areas. Gemini was awarded the 'EcoVadis' Gold Medal assessment.
ISO 14001 CERTIFICATION Gemini has adopted the international standard 'UNI EN ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems' since 2009, obtaining and maintaining the relevant company certification. The ISO 14001 standard is the international reference that specifies the requirements of an environmental management system. This certification defines the activities and procedures that companies must follow to improve their performance in the field of environmental sustainability. UNI EN ISO 14064-1 CERTIFICATION Gemini is compliant to the ISO 14064-1 standard for the activities of "Design and provision of cleaning services in civil, industrial and hospital environments, maintenance of green areas, porterage, moving, waste transport for third parties and own account, rodent control and pest control". ISO 14064-1 defines the organization of principles and requirements for designing and reporting GHG (greenhouse gas) inventories and thus defining a specific carbon management policy aimed at reducing emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. With the certification Gemini Srl wants to:
ECOLABEL In addition to the “Gemini goes green” project, the company's commitment to environmental sustainability is reflected in the acquisition of the Ecolabel licence (to be completed shortly). The EU Ecolabel distinguishes products and services that guarantee high performance standards and are characterised by a reduced environmental impact during their entire life cycle. The environmental performance is assessed on a scientific basis, analysing the most significant environmental impacts of the product or service. Criteria such as the lifespan of products and their reusability/recyclability, the reduction of packaging and its recycled content are therefore considered.
ISO 45001 CERTIFICATION Gemini has adopted the international standard 'ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems', that replaced the previous BS OHSAS 18001 achieved in 2014. The standard is aimed at any organisation, regardless of size, type, and activity, that wants to establish, implement, and maintain a management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimise risks to health and safety by continuously improving its performance in this area. SA8000 CERTIFICATION Gemini has adopted the international standard 'SA8000 - Social Accountability' since 2014, obtaining and maintaining the relevant company certification. Companies that decide to adopt the criteria of this certification are committed to: promoting health and safety in the working environment, with a view to integration with ISO45001; following the practices envisaged by art. 7 of the Workers' Statute; fighting against child labour, forced labour and discrimination. UNI PDR 125 CERTIFICATION Since its foundation in 1987, Gemini has always believed that gender equality is a right as well as a fundamental component of economic growth and a key principle of social rights. For these reasons, Gemini is proud to have obtained the Gender Equality Certification-UNI/PdR 125 as proof of the principles of equality that have always been followed. Obtaining the certification is a direct result of our ongoing commitment to equal opportunities and inclusion, which are fundamental principles underpinning our sustainability principles. The assessment was based on four main themes:
Our commitment was not just aimed at obtaining the certification, but rather it implies an ongoing effort to ensure continuous improvement to maintain the principles of equal opportunities.
ISO 37001 CERTIFICATION Since 2020 Gemini has adopted the international standard 'ISO 37001 - Management Systems for the Prevention of Corruption', obtaining and maintaining the relevant company certification. The standard can be considered an important safeguard for companies in preventing and fighting corruption, an unfortunately widespread phenomenon which raises moral, political, and economic concerns. A proactive approach in this sense requires a clear anti-corruption policy, supported by a Management System that helps the company avoid the risks and costs of its own involvement in such practices, whether direct or indirect. LEGAL RATING The Legal Rating is an indicator of compliance with high standards of legality by companies that have applied for it to the AGCM - Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (Italian Competition Authority). Gemini's Legal Rating is ++ (out of a maximum score of ). WHITE LIST The White List is a list set up at the provincial Prefectures to make anti-mafia controls more effective. The list refers in particular to those business activities considered most at risk from mafia infiltration. This means that contracting authorities will no longer have to request anti-mafia documentation for companies on the White List. Gemini has been on the White List of the Prefecture of Venice since 18.11.2021.
For many years Gemini has been proud to promote sports clubs in the Veneto region, aware of the importance of sport as a factor of aggregation and as a bearer of positive values. As a demonstration of its support for these ideals, since 2021 Gemini has been a sponsor of the Basket Mestre 1958 sports club. In fact, in addition to being the main sponsor of the men's first team, Gemini is also the proud Gold Sponsor of the youth sector, the Minibasket and the alternative reality of Baskin. In particular, Baskin allows the active participation of players with any type of disability (physical and/or mental) that allows them to shoot in a basket. This allows everyone, boys and girls, disabled and able-bodied youngsters, to have the opportunity to play on the same team. Baskin is a game inspired by basketball to involve everyone, promote inclusion, and enhance human relationships, as well as an opportunity to make friends and encounter diversity as a source of personal enrichment.
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